Color TypeThe color type is intended for storing information about color and occupies 4 bytes in memory. The first byte is ignored, the remaining 3 bytes contain the RGB-components. Color constants can be represented in three ways: literally, by integers, or by name (for named Web-colors only). Literal representation consists of three parts representing numerical rate values of the three main color components: red, green, blue. The constant starts with C and is enclosed in single quotes. Numerical rate values of a color component lie in the range from 0 to 255. Integer-valued representation is written in a form of hexadecimal or a decimal number. A hexadecimal number looks like 0x00BBGGRR, where RR is the rate of the red color component, GG - of the green one, and BB - of the blue one. Decimal constants are not directly reflected in the RGB. They represent a decimal value of the hexadecimal integer representation. Specific colors reflect the so-called Web-colors set. Examples:
See also Web Colors, ColorToString, StringToColor, Typecasting |