MQL4 Reference Common Functions CheckPointer

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The function returns the type of the object pointer.

   objectanyobject      // object pointer



[in]  Object pointer.

Return value

Returns a value from the ENUM_POINTER_TYPE enumeration.


An attempt to call an incorrect pointer results in the critical termination of a program. That's why it's necessary to call the CheckPointer function before using a pointer. A pointer can be incorrect in the following cases:

  • the pointer is equal to NULL;
  • the object has been deleted using the delete operator.

This function can be used for checking pointer validity. A non-zero value warranties that the pointer can be used for accessing.


//| Deletes list by deleting its elements                            |
void CMyList::Destroy()
//--- service pointer for working in the loop
   CItem* item;
//--- go through loop and try to delete dynamic pointers
         Print("Dynamyc object ",item.Identifier()," to be deleted");
         delete (item);
      else Print("Non-dynamic object ",item.Identifier()," cannot be deleted");

See also

Object Pointers, Checking the Object Pointer, Object Delete Operator delete