MQL4 Reference Timeseries and Indicators Access
Organizing Data Access
Organizing Data AccessIn this section questions connected with obtaining, storing and requesting price data (timeseries) are considered. Receiving Data from a Trade ServerBefore price data become available in the MetaTrader 4 terminal, they must be received and processed. To receive data, connection to the MetaTrader 4 trade server must be established. Data are received in the form of packed blocks of minute bars from the server upon the request of a terminal. The mechanism of server reference for data doesn't depend on how the request has been initiated - by a user when navigating in a chart or in a program way in the MQL4 language. Storing Intermediate DataData received from a server are automatically unpacked and saved in the HCC intermediate format. Data on each symbol are written into a separate folder: terminal_directory\bases\server_name\history\symbol_name. For example, data on EURUSD received from the MetaQuotes-Demo server will be stored in terminal_directory\bases\MetaQuotes-Demo\history\EURUSD\. Data are written into files with .hcc extension. Each file stores data of minute bars for one year. For example, the file named 2009.hcc in the EURUSD folder contains minute bars of EURUSD for year 2009. These files are used for preparing price data for all timeframes and are not intended for direct access. Obtaining Data on a Necessary Timeframe out of Intermediate DataIntermediate HCC files are used as the data source for building price data for requested timeframes in the HC format. Data of HC format are timeseries that are maximally prepared for a quick access. They are created upon a request of a chart or a MQL4 program. The volume of data should not exceed the value of the "Max bars in charts" parameter. Data are stored for further using in files with hc extension. To save resources, data on a timeframe are stored and saved in RAM only if necessary. If not called for a long time, they are released from RAM and saved into a file. For each timeframe, data are prepared regardless of whether there are ready data for other timeframes or not. Rules of forming and accessing data are the same for all timeframes. I.e., despite the fact that the unit data stored in HCC is one minute (M1), the availability of HCC data doesn't mean the availability of data on M1 timeframe as HC in the same volume. Receipt of new data from a server calls automatic update of used price data in HC format of all timeframes. It also leads to the recalculation of all indicators that implicitly use them as input data for calculations. Parameter "Max bars in chart"The "Max bars in charts" parameter restricts number of bars in HC format available to charts, indicators and mql45 programs. This is valid for all available timeframes and serves, first of all, to save computer resources. When setting a large value of this parameter, it should be remembered, that if deep history price data for small timeframes are available, memory used for storing timeseries and indicator buffers can become hundreds of megabytes and reach the RAM restriction for the client terminal program (2Gb for 32-bit applications of MS Windows). Change of the "Max bars in charts" comes into effect after the client terminal is restarted. Change of this parameter causes neither automatic referring to a server for additional data, nor forming of additional bars of timeseries. Additional price data are requested from the server, and timeseries are updated taking into account the new limitation, in case of either chart scroll to the area with no data, or when data are requested by mql4 program. Volume of data requested from the server corresponds to the required number of bars of this timeframe with the "Max bars in charts" parameter taken into account. The restriction set by this parameter is not strict, and in some cases the number of available bars for a timeframe can be a little more than the current parameter value. Data AvailabilityPresence of data on HCC format or even in the prepared for using HC format does not always denote the absolute availability if these data to be shown in a chart or used in mql4 programs. When accessing to price data or indicator values from a mql4 program it should be remembered that their availability in a certain moment of time or starting from a certain moment of time is not guaranteed. It is connected with the fact that with the purpose of saving resources, the full copy of data necessary for a mql4 program isn't stored in MetaTrader 4; only direct access to the terminal data base is given. The price history for all timeframes is built from common data of HCC format, and any update of data from a server leads to the update of data for all timeframes and to the recalculation of indicators. Due to this access to data can be closed, even if these data were available a moment ago. Synchronization of the Terminal Data and Server DataSince a mql4 program can call data fro any symbol and timeframe, there is a possibility that data of a necessary timeseries are not formed yet in the terminal or the necessary price data aren't synchronized with the trade server. In this case it's hard to predict the latency time. Algorithms using "do-nothing" loops are not the best solution. The only exception in this case are scripts, because they do not have any alternative algorithm choice due to not having event handling. For custom indicators such algorithms, as well as any other "do-nothing" loops are strongly not recommended, because they lead to termination of calculation of all indicators and any other handling of price data of the symbol. For Expert Advisors and indicators, it is better to use the even model of handling. If during handling of OnTick() or OnCalculate() event, data receipt for the required timeseries failed, you should exit the event handler, relying on the access availability during the next call of the handler. |