MQL4 Reference
Chart Operations
Returns the chart ID of the chart next to the specified one.
long ChartNext(
long chart_id
); |
[in] Chart ID. 0 does not mean the current chart. 0 means "return the first chart ID".
Return Value
//--- variables for chart ID
long currChart,prevChart=ChartFirst();
int i=0,limit=100;
Print("ChartFirst =",ChartSymbol(prevChart)," ID =",prevChart);
while(i<limit)// We have certainly not more than 100 open charts
currChart=ChartNext(prevChart); // Get the new chart ID by using the previous chart ID
if(currChart<0) break; // Have reached the end of the chart list
Print(i,ChartSymbol(currChart)," ID =",currChart);
prevChart=currChart;// let's save the current chart ID for the ChartNext()
i++;// Do not forget to increase the counter
} |