MQL4 Reference File Functions FileIsExist

MQL4 Help as One File:


Checks the existence of a file.

bool  FileIsExist(
   const string  file_name,       // File name
   int           common_flag=0    // Search area



[in]  The name of the file being checked


[in] Flag determining the location of the file. If common_flag = FILE_COMMON, then the file is located in a shared folder for all client terminals \Terminal\Common\Files. Otherwise, the file is located in a local folder.

Return Value

Returns true, if the specified file exists.


Checked file can turn out to be a subdirectory. In this case, FileIsExist() function will return false, while error 5019 will be logged in _LastError variable - "This is a directory, not a file" (see example for FileFindFirst() function).

For security reasons, work with files is strictly controlled in the MQL4 language. Files with which file operations are conducted using MQL4 means, cannot be outside the file sandbox.

If common_flag = FILE_COMMON, then the function looks for the file in a shared folder for all client terminals \Terminal\Common\Files, otherwise the function looks for a file in a local folder (MQL4\Files or MQL4\Tester\Files in the case of testing).


//--- show the window of input parameters when launching the script
#property script_show_inputs
//--- date for old files
input datetime InpFilesDate=D'2013.01.01 00:00';
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   string   file_name;      // variable for storing file names
   string   filter="*.txt"// filter for searching the files
   datetime create_date;    // file creation date
   string   files[];        // list of file names
   int      def_size=25;    // array size by default
   int      size=0;         // number of files
//--- allocate memory for the array
//--- receive the search handle in the local folder's root
   long search_handle=FileFindFirst(filter,file_name);
//--- check if FileFindFirst() executed successfully
      //--- searching files in the loop
         //--- increase the array size
         //--- reset the error value
         //--- receive the file creation date
         //--- check if the file is old
            PrintFormat("%s file deleted!",file_name);
            //--- delete the old file
      //--- close the search handle
      Print("Files not found!");
//--- check what files have remained
   for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
         PrintFormat("%s file exists!",files[i]);
         PrintFormat("%s file deleted!",files[i]);

See also
