MQL4 Reference File Functions FileWriteFloat

MQL4 Help as One File:


The function writes the value of the float parameter to a bin-file, starting from the current position of the file pointer.

uint  FileWriteFloat(
   int    file_handle,     // File handle
   float  value            // Value to be written



[in]  File descriptor returned by FileOpen().


[in] The value of float type.

Return Value

If successful the function returns the number of bytes written or 0 in case of error. If successful, the number of bytes written corresponds to the data type size (sizeof(float)=4). To obtain information about the error call the GetLastError() function. The file pointer is shifted by the same number of bytes.


//|                                          Demo_FileWriteFloat.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                     |
#property copyright "Copyright 2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
//--- show the window of input parameters when launching the script
#property script_show_inputs
//--- parameters for receiving data from the terminal
input string          InpSymbolName="EURUSD";           // currency pair
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES InpSymbolPeriod=PERIOD_M15;       // time frame
input datetime        InpDateStart=D'2013.01.01 00:00'; // data copying start date
//--- parameters for writing data to the file
input string          InpFileName="Close.bin"// file name
input string          InpDirectoryName="Data"// directory name
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
   datetime date_finish=TimeCurrent();
   double   close_buff[];
   datetime time_buff[];
   int      size;
//--- reset the error value
//--- copy the close price for each bar
      PrintFormat("Failed to copy close price values. Error code = %d",GetLastError());
//--- copy the time for each bar
      PrintFormat("Failed to copy the time values. Error code = %d",GetLastError());
//--- receive the buffer size
//--- open the file for writing the values (if the file is absent, it will be created automatically)
   int file_handle=FileOpen(InpDirectoryName+"//"+InpFileName,FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_BIN);
      PrintFormat("%s file is open for writing",InpFileName);
      PrintFormat("File path: %s\\Files\\",TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH));
      //--- write close prices' time and values to the file
      for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
         uint byteswritten=FileWriteDouble(file_handle,(double)time_buff[i]);
         //--- check the number of bytes written
            PrintFormat("Error in FileWriteDouble. Error code=%d",GetLastError());
            //--- close the file
         //--- check the number of bytes written
            PrintFormat("Error in FileWriteDouble. Error code=%d",GetLastError());
            //--- close the file
      //--- close the file
      PrintFormat("Data is written, %s file is closed",InpFileName);
      PrintFormat("Failed to open %s file, Error code = %d",InpFileName,GetLastError());

See also

Real types (double, float), FileWriteDouble()