MQL4 Reference Chart Operations ChartScreenShot

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Saves current chart screen shot as a GIF, PNG or BMP file depending on specified extension. The command is added to chart message queue and executed only after all previous commands have been processed.

bool  ChartScreenShot(
   long             chart_id,                   // Chart ID
   string           filename,                   // Symbol name
   int              width,                      // Width
   int              height,                     // Height
   ENUM_ALIGN_MODE  align_mode=ALIGN_RIGHT      // Alignment type



[in]  Chart ID. 0 means the current chart.


[in]  Screenshot file name. Cannot exceed 63 characters. Screenshot files are placed in the \Files directory.


[in]  Screenshot width in pixels.


[in]  Screenshot height in pixels.


[in]  Output mode of a narrow screenshot. A value of the ENUM_ALIGN_MODE enumeration. ALIGN_RIGHT means align to the right margin (the output from the end). ALIGN_LEFT means Left justify.

Return Value

Returns true if the command has been added to chart queue, otherwise false. To get error details use the GetLastError() function.


If you need to take a screenshot from a chart from a certain position, first it's necessary to position the graph using the ChartNavigate() function. If the horizontal size of the screenshot is smaller than the chart window, either the right part of the chart window, or its left part is output, depending on the align_mode settings.


#property description "The Expert Advisor demonstrates how to create a series of screenshots of the current"
#property description "chart using the ChartScreenShot() function. For convenience, the file name is"
#property description "shown on the chart. The height and width of images is defined through macros."
#define        WIDTH  800     // Image width to call ChartScreenShot()
#define        HEIGHT 600     // Image height to call ChartScreenShot()
//--- input parameters
input int      pictures=5;    // The number of images in the series
int            mode=-1;       // -1 denotes a shift to the right edge of the chart, 1 - to the left
int            bars_shift=300;// The number of bars when scrolling the chart using ChartNavigate()
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
void OnInit()
//--- Disable chart autoscroll
//--- Set the shift of the right edge of the chart
//--- Show a candlestick chart
   Print("Preparation of the Expert Advisor is completed");
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//--- Show the name of the function, call time and event identifier
   Print(__FUNCTION__,TimeCurrent(),"   id=",id,"   mode=",mode);
//--- Handle the CHARTEVENT_CLICK event ("A mouse click on the chart")
      //--- Initial shift from the chart edge
      int pos=0;
      //--- Operation with the left chart edge
         //--- Scroll the chart to the left edge
         for(int i=0;i<pictures;i++)
            //--- Prepare a text to show on the chart and a file name
            string name="ChartScreenShot"+"CHART_BEGIN"+string(pos)+".gif";
            //--- Show the name on the chart as a comment
            //--- Save the chart screenshot in a file in the terminal_directory\MQL4\Files\
               Print("We've saved the screenshot ",name);
            //--- Give the user time to look at the new part of the chart
            //--- Scroll the chart from the current position bars_shift bars to the right
         //--- Change the mode to the opposite
      else // Operation with the right chart edge
         //--- Scroll the chart to the right edge
         for(int i=0;i<pictures;i++)
            //--- Prepare a text to show on the chart and a file name
            string name="ChartScreenShot"+"CHART_END"+string(pos)+".gif";
            //--- Show the name on the chart as a comment
            //--- Save the chart screenshot in a file in the terminal_directory\MQL4\Files\
               Print("We've saved the screenshot ",name);
            //--- Give the user time to look at the new part of the chart
            //--- Scroll the chart from the current position bars_shift bars to the right
         //--- Change the mode to the opposite
     }  // End of CHARTEVENT_CLICK event handling
//--- End of the OnChartEvent() handler  

See also

ChartNavigate(), Resources